• There he is:
    Walking past me, talking with his friends
    Just talking about the touchdown he just made
    Break eye candy
    I just stare
    He told me each touchdown was just for me
    Promising me a hug at least
    He brags and brags
    Friends focused
    He doesn't even blink as I
    Wait for his glance
    Now the tears start to form
    And I switch over to a happy topic
    Soon I realize
    This isn't the first time
    Everyone loves him, they hug him freely
    All the while I'm scared
    He continues his bragging
    I dream that I'm the one he's bragging about
    Never missing a detail
    Just as I finish picturing his mouth
    Bragging about every inch of me,
    The bell rings
    He quietly grabs his backpack
    On his shoulder
    He leaves without a glance
    Left with only daydreams, I walk on
    There he is:
    iPod in hand
    Headphones half on
    Counting songs rather than fractions
    Sixth-period eye candy.