• do u know what a bird feels like?

    its beautiful wings, how it gently

    moves by the way of the wind and sky.

    how it sores through the clear sky.

    achually we are all birds. we try to fly

    but when we fly, sometimes we

    may have trouble and fall. but do u

    know what the bird does?

    it turns upwards facing the sky, then

    heads to the top without having no fears

    no thoughts about what to do next.

    but people that get so caught up in

    there own crazy world, they havent noticed

    there wings are chopped off, or that they have been

    so choked by there own self that they've been caged.

    seeing all the pther birds passing by, seeing the sky

    being so big. then you just have that feeling. you break free and

    fly towards the heavens itself. and you feel your eyes have changed.

    you see things you have never seen before.

    " THE LIGHT"