• Why you open the blinds
    And see me walking in the rain.
    It's so I can cry
    And no one can see my pain.

    Why I stay in my room
    When I'm not outside.
    In there beleiving that some day soon
    I won't have to hide.

    Why you don't understand me
    Cuz I'm all alone, locked in this cage of mysery.
    And it's beating and defeating me
    And i've misplaced the key.

    Why I'm ugly
    But I try so hard to be pretty,
    And I try so hard for a lot of things
    But no one seems to care enough to even think about...me.

    So I stand alone.
    No one knows if I'm home.
    Don't have a purpose.
    LIfe's calm, but my head's a circus.

    Why I can't sleep
    Because of my thoughts.
    And when I do I don't dream
    Cuz of the nightmares that they've brought.

    And I read and write
    To escape this place.
    And yet I vent out the side
    That's been put under such a cold trace.

    And my rhymes are the same,
    To me, they're just lame.
    Didn't I write that already?
    I got a c in originalty.

    I hate what I write,
    But I write cuz I hate ,
    Of always seeing the side,
    Of fake.