• .... .. ok i got up to the brous well i want back to sleep and awoke on the beach were i had fallen to fined the girl by my side jest looking at me. i asked for her name she wrote in the sand 'my name is...' and she porsed and staird at the words for a cuple of secends she semmed to be lost in thorght i tapped on her sholder and sead 'how about i jest call you rose' she smiled and noded it semmed that she couldn't speek with out writing so i keeped to yes or no questyens i started by asking are you hurt 'no'she repled .are you lost she replid with a shrag.i wandered how she could not know if she was lost but then i thorgh and looked around my head was better so i got up the beach so different and my house so not any were to be seen now that i think about it there was not a bealdings anywere at all. there was the beach in front of me and be hind me so a weared forest it was weared becouse it semmed ot move and wisper as if holding a secret from us even though i couldn't understand what it was wispering any way i looked down at rose she was looking out at the waves 'the sound of the sea is quite peacful isen't it she got up and started to walk were do you think we are i asked and started walking with her when i got up to Rose i stoped and asked knowing she most like have to write it why her was crying before ,as i thourgh she picked up a stick and wrote 'i was scaired but then you came i didn't come of over to you for awile but you were hurt' i sead'oh ya the bous ' she got up and pounted to the bendige on my arm funny how i mested that when i got up but it was there i asked if she had fixed my arm she noded happaly i still was a little corshes as to where we were i could heir the sound from before but it was so mach stronger an louder then before it is as if my head so going to blow up every thing got dark Rose looked scaired i tryed to turn around to see what it was but before i koud i had woke up once agen in bed; the brous on my head had gorn but i had a fabrik on my arm jest like in my dream be this pount i was frecked out;