• Sitting on the outside looking in.
    It’s like a movie that has no pause, rewind, or fast forward.

    Except this is no movie, it’s your life.
    You’re watching it fly out of control.

    You reach for the reigns to stop it, but there are none.
    There is no passenger on this ride to help you.

    You scream out, begging for help.
    No one is there to help you.

    You build a mask and place it upon yourself.
    You make sure no one else can tell something is wrong.

    You lie to everyone and yourself.
    The nearest only see the tight mask upon you.

    You look out through the holes, knowing nothing is real now.
    Beginning to feel guilty you try to take it off.

    It is permanent now, you are the mask you created.
    If you ever get the mask off, you’ll have the scars to prove it