• You ventured upon hurting me
    Revenge is what I seek
    Have it I will
    Hunt you I will

    Run from me if you dare
    Like the Gingerbread man
    You say I can't catch you
    You'll soon regreat those words

    You can run
    But can not hide
    I find you
    Be sure of that

    Like a game of Cat and Mouse
    You mouse
    Me cat
    No escape!

    I vowed my revenge
    You thought it a joke
    Guess you were wrong
    Because of you
    Darkness consumed me
    Tanted my heart
    Possesed me!

    No one to blame
    But yourself!
    Blaming you
    Forever more!

    How do you like me now?!
    Now that you created a monster!
    This beast that wants revenge!
    This lonley creature that only wanted love!

    Because of you
    My soul is dead
    Because of you
    I can not love
    Can not laugh
    Can not smile
    You twisted my thoughts

    Now because of you
    I think of only revenge
    Of death...
    Seeing you....
    Wither in pain before me!

    Don't want these thoughts
    But because of you
    There burning in my head

    How do you like me now!?
    Now that you created a monster!
    This beast that wants revenge!
    This lonley creatrue that only wnated love!

    So cower before me!
    Beg for mercy!
    No good!
    To late for that!

    Cry all you want
    No one can hear you
    No one can save you

    Beg...for mercy
    Gets you nowhere
    Your still going to pay

    My nails are sharp
    You back away
    No escape
    Time to pay!

    Caged in
    The mouse is caught
    The flesh is served
    The cat...has won