• more love
    more love they say
    but i gave i gave you it
    they stand there
    angry and frustrated
    i gave you all my love plus more
    they say
    i look down
    sad and disappointed
    knowing all i can give
    is my heart
    i look up into their eyes
    knowing to keep them
    it means to give them it
    i stnad up and carve it out
    this is all i have to give them
    they hold it in their hands
    within seconds they throw
    they throw it to the ground
    its not good enough
    they say
    there i lay
    by my shattered heart
    bleeding out, crying out
    but no one hears
    they are gone
    no longer here
    no longer my love
    no longer holding my heart
    no longer helping
    and no longer caring
    there i am dying
    dying slowly
    than here comes the wind
    blowing away my shattered heart
    all i can do is wait
    wait for someone to love
    and take care of my heart