• smoldering forest, ocean of lava.
    This is the dragon's lair.
    what if it came out of resting, prepared to fight?
    it would be chaotic fiery wrath, the old times repeated...
    widow;s weeping, baby's crying,
    children running, fathers fighting.
    they do what they do in vain,
    for their town has been spotted by the dragon,
    and it will burn them to a crisp,
    all memories lost to life.
    what if this happened?
    what would you think?
    in this non-believing world, would u ignore
    the sudden disappearance of Springfield?
    Honolulu? New York? Washington?
    we are a forgetful race,
    arrogant of the things we love being
    destroyed every minute of out lives.
    If the dragon's wrath were unleashed,
    our ears would never hear it.
    we would just wait for death and eternal torture.
    waiting... for something that might not have to come so soon...