• I know the problem
    I can't bare this fate
    You say that you love me
    And we should go on a date

    I want to say yes
    But my heart is so sensitive
    You don't know the pain
    and hurt has been through it

    My face is full of doubt
    And I feel kind of sick
    You don't know the feeling
    It's deep and it's thick

    I kind of really like you
    But my instincts say no
    My mind wants me to stay
    And my heart wants me to go

    Finally I figure
    You won't bite
    Maybe you're diferent
    than all the other guys

    I hadn't a clue
    That you were so great
    Totaly different
    Than my ex, Jake

    I love you unconditionally
    And that will never change
    Even if you change
    I'll love you the same

    ~Please comment~