• Idiot
    The past is past
    Present is present
    But I wish I could stop that one minute
    Walking home that frosty day I let time fade away
    Knowing you for so long
    Makes my life feels like a song
    You not being able to hear
    I try so hard to hide my tears
    You be gone so soon
    Six months till my hearts doom
    Walking home alone with you
    Trying to ignore the mood
    Wish you heard me say I love You
    You stopped and said going to miss you
    When time is up and gone
    Probably never see you
    I froze the moment
    My heart felt like ice my body couldn’t move
    “Me too”
    You idiot cant you see I… I love you
    The future will come
    Till then I have my feelings to overcome
    When times up I know you will say
    “ I love you too”
    I will forever love you going to miss you
    Wish I had the nerve to tell you I love you