• Day in and day out it’s all the same stuff
    I’m done, fed up; I’ve had enough

    I try and I try to make it work out,
    But this has only lead to more hurt, no doubt

    I’m lonely and miserable, and it’s only getting worse
    I’ve often turned to others, but the effect they had was quite the inverse

    They only reminded me how pitiful I am
    A weakling, an outcast, a wallflower, a sham

    I try to ignore them, the bullies, and focus on my work
    They call me hurtful names, the most common being nerd, geek, and jerk

    Now why, you ask, would I let this bother me; well, I will tell you
    It’s because I know that it’s all true

    I’m not a “social butterfly”, and I do not fit in
    When will I realize that I cannot win?

    I can’t win their friendship or earn their respect
    There’s nothing “cool” about me, as far as any of them can detect

    They see me as just another pawn that they can use in their game
    A game that is meant to belittle and put others to shame

    So it is with a sad and heavy heart that I concede to my apparent fate
    Doomed forever to be alone, and a person whom people, for no apparent reason, hate

    I won’t resist, fight, argue, and I even won’t cry
    I’ll just slink away into the lonely darkness where I won’t be an eyesore; good bye