• Long cold nights in the not-so-big city
    Step after step im walking alone
    i dont mind
    The clicks of high heels of the few women walking the street
    not the best neighborhood
    the engines, tires, horns of the highway across
    Bells ringing echo throught the frigded air
    The salvation army santa outside the store
    asking for donations
    Get home, no one but me
    its ok, theyll be home soon
    Kids outside screaming and playing
    There not my age, im too old to play there games
    And its far too cold to play
    Only one light is on in the house
    me in my room awaiting the return of my loving parents
    The door opens
    i fly downstairs to cold yet so warm arms
    We engage in conversation opening our thoughts and hearts
    I love you and good nights are exchanged
    Finally, the heater comes on
    Just another day i live
    Just another long cold night is the not-so-big city