• the razor is slicing my rist.
    deeper and deeper it goes, until all i feel is sheer pain.
    deeper and deeper it goes, across my rist to the other side
    bleeding so much i cant breathe....fainting on the floor...
    deeper and deeper it goes....

    the razor is slicing my rist.
    deeper and deeper it goes
    more and more blood now,
    i can't breathe...suffering very slowly.
    down my arm it drips.
    it runs and runs until there no more...
    hiding the pain from everyone

    the razor is slicing my rist
    deeper and deeper it goes
    now im in the hospital...
    i fainted bc of the blood, it kept going
    and going until there was no more

    the razor is slicing my rist.
    im still cutting even after the hospital trip.
    deeper and deeper it goes
    its an addiction i can't stop....i try but fail.
    crying myself to sleep bc of the millions of scars.

    the razor is no longer tempted to cut me, for as i am dead.
    it has ruined my life too far.
    now i lay in my own blood on the cold floor.
    and i close my eyes for the last time.
    the deepest it went....

    the razor no longer harms me...
    as i am dead
    the deepest it could go...