• The flash of cities zoom by
    Feeling like im going at the speed of light
    My brother driving happy as can be
    A bright light flashes before us
    glass flies in my face
    Scratching it badly blood flows down my cheeks
    I glance at my brother...Horrified
    Hes laying there
    His grin wiped away
    Blood only replacing it
    The tears come
    I dont fight them
    I cry as he lays there. . .lifeless
    The paramedics come
    Im rushed away from him tears flowing as hard as ever
    He goes into the emergency room bloody,stained
    with death. . .
    As im wrapped in gauze i walk my way down the hall to his room, open the door, walk to his bed and collapse crying.
    The meter charting his heart goes blank
    He's died in my arms...
    Im calling for him to wake up...but he's gone...
    A nurse rushes in only to see my tear stained face and bloody bandages
    She rushes over to the meter and un-plugs it, turns to me, mouthing the words "im so sorry"
    I fall to my knees only hurting them more
    Crawl into a corner and wrap my gauze covered arms around my bruised knees and bury my face in them crying until i cant cry anymore
    Thinking,"he's gone, he's really gone..."
    The nurse plugs the meter back in and calls in a docter with a machine yelling "CLEAR!!!" Every few seconds.
    Watching this
    Seeing his chest go up and down
    no life left in him.
    I get up when they're done and go over to his bed and bury my face in his chest hearing nothing but my tears soaking through him
    He's gone forever. . .