• you looked in my eyes and said it was ok and promised that you would stay,
    but then you turned around and ran away.
    why would you do that to me i thought we had a good thing going
    but you were the only one going,going all the way to your ex-
    now when you see me you blame me,me for not being there ,me for saying it was you who did this...
    i will never look at you the same never those eyes that make you want to fall,never the boy who had a heart of gold...
    yet a boy who will break your heart...
    i learned my lesson,that lesson is to never trust a boy with two faces...

    1.a face of sweet,loving and protective

    2.a face of curiosity of other girls, a face of it wasn't my fault...

    but it was your fault so now i don't care lets leave it at that. now i don't know how your going to live with your self hopefully you wont....
    i hope you and your girlfriend have a great life...
    all i can say is its you,your ex-girlfriend then me...