• She sits on her bed
    She looks at a wall
    She ignores the grumble in her stomach
    She wishes she could be fed
    I wish you could see
    How hard it is for me
    When I look at her eyes
    When I see she has cried.

    She tries to block it out
    The screaming, the shouts
    She tries to come to school
    Without crying, like a fool
    I wish you could see
    How hard it is for me
    When I see she's lost weight
    When she won't eat in the place she hates.

    She covers her bruising
    She realises shes losing
    She has to lie to the teachers
    About her scarred features
    I wish you could see
    How hard it is for me
    When I see her childhood falling
    When I see her death is calling

    She bites her to lip to hide the tears
    As her mother slaps back her fears
    She doesn't dear move upon the floor
    She doesn't want to be beat anymore
    I wish you could see
    How hard it is for me
    When I look into the mirror
    When I see her standing there.