• Tears dropped from my eyes as you drew your last breath.
    I remembered all of the wonderful memories you left me with,
    But it was still painful to see you pass.

    I couldn’t help myself from crying on your cold shoulder,
    I felt so alone and so lost,
    Yet I knew I had the strength to drag on through my life.

    I should have made you like me,
    A creature that could never die,
    A creature of the night.

    I shook that thought away,
    Knowing you would be unhappy if I had,
    And would live in eternal sorrow.

    I walked away,
    Leaving you to nature,
    And to become one with the earth itself.

    All I had left were those memories,
    Those of love and passion,
    And those of caring and happiness.

    Those memories would remain deep within my still heart
    Frozen in time and space
    Never to be released to anyone.

    I will remain distant and cold,
    I will never have those emotions toward anyone,
    Those special emotions will only be for you.