• Call on the face of the fading shore
    See the person who once you were
    Look into the past
    See the forces that were amassed

    Here and now, on restless seas
    Turn your face into the breeze
    Do Heaven's angels sweetly sing?
    Can you hear the sweet bells ring?

    Face yourself and say the word
    Tell the men to draw their swords
    Step back, let the battle begin
    Cleave and slice, again and again

    Do you reget that long ago war?
    What was it truly for?
    Now you hold your sadness inside
    Then, you held on to your foolish pride

    Forward, forward, the horde goes
    Gory visions fill your eyes, horrid scents assault your nose
    It was not meant to come to this
    After all, how could you miss?

    And so the grand general meets his end
    His heart sinks, his soul will rend
    He knows now how he has fallen
    Through the mourning of his fallen men

    Now the angels sweetly sing
    And he can hear the sweet bells ring
    But his soul is still long on the mend
    To his fallen men for his thoughts and prayers to send