• You are suppose to be my brother,
    You are always suppose to be there for me.
    But you rather hang out and drink.

    You are suppose to be my brother,
    You are always suppose to make me feel better.
    But you rather yell and hit me.

    You are suppose to be my brother,
    You are always suppose to hate me, but love me at the same time.
    But you rather hate me forever and ignore me.

    Well "brother",
    I am sick of it.
    Leave me alone.
    I try to make you care for me and your family,
    But you rather walk away.

    You are suppose to be my brother,
    You are always suppose to back me up.
    But you rather watch me fall.

    You are suppose to be my brother,
    You are always suppose to correct me,
    But you make me correct you.

    Well "brother",
    I am not going to fix your slack any longer.
    You will not put me down,
    And make me cry,
    In memory of the hopeful past.