• Below me is many people walking
    As I stand on the edge of the building
    With a bible in one hand, and my will in the other.

    The choice of living in the unfair and wilting world that is this now.
    I say to you, I have nothing left to serve here.
    To you my friend, I say goodbye
    Although the Rose's thorns pierces through my very heart
    Knowing that I will never see you again
    Makes my very soul and existent shatter at the very thought of it.
    But I have nothing better to give here.

    So everyone I say goodbye, and wish me luck in my next life
    As I get ready to jump.
    Someone from down below
    Looks up and says
    "Look and girl is about to jump, Oh My God!!! Someone Stop HER!!!!!!!!!!!"

    But has the person who noticed me on the edge
    You were walking by.
    And you look, to see that I had already jumped
    Slowly falling to my doom

    You were shocked to see me falling
    I slowly close my eyes
    And felt my body streaming through the air
    Gaining speed as each second, minute passes by.

    I could hear people screaming of terror
    You were still in utter shock
    Told yourself that you didn't want to live alone for the rest of your life.

    You ever get that feeling like there's something or someone missing from your life, soul, memory, and heart....

    You see me falling to my death..
    Your getting ready to catch me.
    I'm still lifeless plumping to what I believe to be my doom, death & pavement, my heat & the blacktop at last....

    Out of no around I stopped.
    Thinking that I finally hit the ground.
    But I'm able to feel the soft cold hands pressing against my back

    I hear a gentle voice in my ear, whispering "I got you now, your safe"
    There's cheering and joyous sounds in the background.
    Slowly opening my eyes.
    Seeing you holding me in your arm
    My blood is rushing through my vains

    Though you place me on the smooth sidewalk
    You kneel beside me making sure that I was okay,
    But I wasn't, I wanted to end my life,
    Might as well.

    I have no family to come home too at the end of the day.
    Parents & siblings
    Died so long ago...
    Cried so many times at night..

    Nothing could repair that was my world.
    But as I look up to see you now...
    I think that maybe my world could be repaired
    But nothing can repair the friendship between my mum and I.