• It's strange,
    For as long as I can remember,
    I could get a massive crush on a guy,
    Then I could get over him in a second,
    Just because I wanted to.
    But with you,
    It took me weeks to get over you completely.
    I'm still not totally over you,
    when I'm honest with myself.
    I still stare at my phone hoping you'll text me.
    I wish we could still joke around again.
    I'm still tempted to text you,
    hoping you would respond.
    I still miss you.
    But when I think about you,
    Alone on the weekends,
    Around the time we used to text each other.,
    I'm so depressed about it,
    I feel sick to my stomach.
    Like I want to throw up.
    I know it's stupid.
    But I feel like you were the perfect best friend for me.
    You seemed to understand me,
    laughed with me,
    got my weird sense of humor,
    started inside jokes with me that I will never forget,
    was there for me,
    made my day brighter.
    I guess that's why I fell for you.
    But now,
    when I think about you,
    I have the urge to see my lunch again in a porcelain bowl.