• A simple thing i see
    To live a life without any worries
    To find happiness amongst all the people out there
    To keep standing up straight, and feeling tall
    No one out there to turn you down
    to hear a person trying to save you when you drown
    Even though your dreams and hope may be small
    It still isn't as bad as we all recall

    No, this is all a lie
    i see people try and try
    but they end up like many other,
    just cry and cry
    to have dreams teared apart
    and hopes that are broken from the start
    I hear no laughs, i see no smile
    only a bunch of people in defile
    I watch as one by one fall into tears
    which makes me think "why can't i help?"
    Do i just have fears
    to make things worse, do i not care because i am living my fullest
    NO! it isn't because i am happy, it isn't because i am so damn dense
    It is because i fear that outcome,
    i don't understand, i am always in a slump,
    but other call on me as if i was someone worth talking to
    someone they can count on, but no..
    it isn't true
    i am only a guy, that is trying to survive
    in a world were sadness and tears always appear.