• Falling in love is so easy to do
    The hardest part is for the person to love you too
    Becareful who you surrender your heart
    For you are also giving them the power to break it apart
    Love... tough to end, easy to begin
    Fighting without knowing how to win
    A war that may last a lifetime, or a year
    Leaving none unscarred, leaving none without fear
    Make sure you know who you give your love to
    There is a chance that they might run away from you
    And if you're brave, aim and take the risk
    Know that your arrow may also miss
    Why bother with love when it causes unbearable pain?
    Why? when it is one of life's rigged games.
    Because if you have not loved, you have not lived
    We all want to be needed, to have something to give
    Love can crush and scar
    But it can also create and start anew
    Should you fall, get up again and try
    For the cup of love is never dry
    And if you cry, remember that your tears
    Are the experiences you draw on over the years.