• smoky
    simply fine as anything in china.
    twirl your head and discover new de-solace .
    smiling, smiling, and smiling again.
    yes, those are disturbed smiles, so disturbed by your nigh'mares.
    these lines oh yeas these lines are simply the greatest.
    we all fall down at the sound of an echo.
    that quote has been used so much and it is tiring and tiring and tormenting.
    the lamp, the genie was trapped in, it is justified centered and always on drugs.
    the apple fell from the tree because it was floating over my cold head, very cold head.
    sunny yellow days turn orange in the afternoon when the sun hits the mountains and makes
    the border between the sky and the ground merge.
    and we all carry a basket on our heads and wear colorful dresses and dance in synchronized
    parents are loco.
    loco in the coco.
    the string from the shirt untangled and made it sleeveless, button-less, and shirtless.
    high, high, up in the sky, where you go so far you actually touch the ground....so you land.