• I wonder if dragons existed long ago
    if i lived way back when dragons roamed the earth
    i would go far away and never come the next day
    ill go back in time just to find the one

    Red black and white
    the dragon of my delight
    like fire of ice
    that melts into the sand

    One day of my journey i stop for a while
    only to find a dragons egg then i start to smile
    before it starts to hatch ill bring it back home
    ill take good care of it until i grow old

    Red black and white
    the dragon of my delight
    like water and wind
    ill fly to the nearest land

    This creature i call my friend
    will protect me until the end
    you will never die
    as long as you stick by my side
    forever forever

    Red black and white
    the dragon of my delight
    be forever more
    ill fly to the nearest star
    as long as you stay by my side
    will live forever
    live forever
    live forever

    (Music and Lyrics © 08 by Aaron)