• i sit here
    tears falling from my face.
    i scream at myself
    why does everyone hate me.
    then out of the darkness
    i see someone stand in front of me.
    i see rain drops at there feet
    and look up.
    when you cry i feel your pain
    then you throw your arms around me.
    screaming stop just stop
    but i know i cant.
    my mind starts flying
    with all these things.
    i hurt you i hurt you
    i didnt mean to is what i want to say.
    but i just sit there
    crying even harder now.
    you whisper as you hold me tighter
    please just stop im here for you.
    i slowly hesitating, not knowing what to do
    wrap my arms around you.
    with me baring my face in your shoulder
    i weep a week thank you.
    then all rain stop from us
    and then comes from the heavens.