• suspended in eternal bliss, waiting, waiting for that one true kiss
    enough with commercial slander. prety ,little, innocent suicides.
    lnched by hand of own, when away your heart was thrown.
    away, AWAY WERE YOU CAST!! the fire you belived would last
    halls of emptyness and despair. sorrow, misery, deth. colorfull words float by.

    love, haye, not so diffrent in the new light. soul selling you resort.
    ever lasting, never starting, life is stoping, your heart is throbing.
    hope shines in, radiant light, quickly fading, out of sight.
    open door, blood pors in, that is when, the butterflys begin.
    rain, rain, poring rain, guns and dagers do not cause the pain.

    girl, girl, beautifull girl. As frighting as deth in your eyes.
    love, lust, long forgoten words. longing for her, willing to give it all.
    asked by others, "you need a lover?", but she is all you see.
    she, the one who broke you.
    she, the one who can fix you.
    mother of your children, someday you hoped. now nothing, exept this poem.
    try, you have, to regain the love you lost. not yet, but it will return. untill then, let the blood and butterflys poor in...