• wahmbulance wahmbulance This Poem Has Language Content In It...Please Be For Warned...Thank You wahmbulance wahmbulance

    Ever hate having that f^^king person in your life
    backstab you all the way down to h#ll!

    Ever f##king hate that guy
    that gives you f##king h#ll?

    Ever f##king hate that time
    when he said he loved you
    but f##ked it all up
    and told you to f##k off.

    Ever told that guy
    that he was nothing but a low down
    dirty little sleaze and all he deserved
    way that lint in his pocket!

    Ever wonder why the f##king world was
    so confused
    and so f##king messed up?

    Ever wonder why that?

    Ever wonder why
    the f##king world turns sour
    when the people you fight with
    are so you think
    oh so great
    but in the end
    their your own worst enemy!

    The world today is just f##king screwed
    f##king f##k of a f##king f##k....

    Todays Language
    Todays Schools
    Todays Malls
    Todays EVERYTHING!!

    But people dont care...
    They just sit back and laugh! *ha*
    But when they look back...
    All they will say... is.....