• Here I must hide,
    I mustn't interfere with the human's lives,
    I will lock myself in here,
    and not touch their precious souls,
    I wish I could commit suicide,
    to help save the people lives.

    They will live and die,
    So why can't I?
    Why can't I simply live and die?

    My thirst is growing,
    My instincts are winning,
    How much longer can I hold back?
    And let the people live?
    Are there any others that hold these values?
    That humans aren't meant as food?

    I see some people coming,
    They creep quietly towards my prison,
    They must know the stories of all the others,
    That have tried to enter here.
    So then why do they persist?
    Do they plan to trap me??

    That can't be!
    For I am powerful!
    An ultimate being!!
    None can stop a vampire!!
    None can challenge me!!!

    What?! No!
    I must restrain!

    My thirst is growing,
    My instincts are winning,
    How much longer,
    Until I lose to them completely...?