• Roses are red, violets are blue;
    My soul is dead because of you. sad
    Expecting a robber I dropped my purse.
    But instead came the dreaded black curse. pirate
    There was no face, nothing but black. ninja
    A cloud of nothing, but something, ready to attack.
    I wanted to run, I wanted to scream,
    But in that nothing I saw a faint gleam.
    I thought it was a hint of kindness, meaning you were nice, heart
    But I remembered that my mom used to say, "Girl, you better think twice." scream
    So I ran, far in the night.
    Not realizing I was dying of fright.
    I stopped in a cemetary and stayed out of sight.
    But I was dead by dawn's first light.
    The detective checked my pulse and I didn't have one.
    He said, "Forget the ambulance. This girl is done."
    I never knew what happened to my beautiful black purse,
    All I know is I died of fright
    And it's with the black curse.