• They've been friends for ever
    talking on the phone, joking around, and hanging out

    The boy feels friendship
    The girl feels love

    He has no clue
    and she hops and prays that is how it will stay

    She wishes they were together
    but fears what he would say

    She knows she shouldn't feel this way
    but also knows she can't help it

    He talks about other girls
    oblivious to the pain it will cause

    When she is upset he tires to console her
    he gives her hugs and reassuring words
    and makes her forget why she was sad in the first place

    She told her friends her feelings
    they stared in horror with their mouths hanging open
    so she lied and said she was joking

    They started laughing
    not wanting to see the truth

    The told her sister
    and she said it was simply a crush and it would pass with time

    She just shook her head in dought
    thinkg it isn't and it never will

    She finally tells him her feelings after all that time
    He looks at her and walks away without a word

    She falls to her knees and sheds tears for the love that was not to be
    and prays to god that these awful feelings would leave her forever

    and let her live her life in peace