• The darkened Mind of a New Born life brings out the light of a gown old man making the New Born Life the torch of the blinded ignorance. As the Mind travels the tunnel searching for the truth IT found itself in the void which is the true madness: seeking what makes a person human which is... Total power over the weak minded, taking all the life these devilish whores ,make and bring to this world. Rid shall be all of those who seek truth in Wealth greed and lust. Wealth is what destroys humanity, brings down those who seek what they want in life. As tomorrow comes, today withers, just as the Moon and Stars fade towards damnation, taking life with it, destroying the nature that is our truth.

    As a New Love Settles, A New Life Begins, taking the world as it is... and making it nothing. The man you once knew went into the void of truth and became the wise elder making the new born life the meaning of SANITY.. of Love. The mistress of time and Being brought the temptation of the mind as we know now what life does at it's end, as it fades and weakens the heart, and strengthens the mind, and destroys the body.