• Nights Rain, in deposition of nights entrust. What has it been brought here for. As one man, or woman sits there in the rain staring at the moon. Rain poors down onto the streets, but no one seems to help one lost person. ONE LOST SOUL. Who seems to be not cared for by anyone. But one ray of light, seems to always peek out and flush out all the nights rain, and make the moon disappear for a while. When night turns to day, that person vanishs away, and hide till the night. Alone, but not forgotten from everyone who watches as this person sits in the nights rain, staring at the moon always in thought. Every night. Yet never is seen by a person during the day, yet at night, is seen by everyone. Yet never spoken too, and never seems to be around anyone. And just sits there alone..every night, staring at the moon.Remembering what the moon meant between this person, and another. Because it seems, no matter what, that moon is there, and the rain never stops at night. The rain cant stop, because this person cant stop it. Nights Rain is much in the eyes of many people, As well as the moon. It means so much to most people, yet so little to the others. So let it all rain, let the night sky shower me in tears, for this is how i shower everything else in sarrow, tears and depression. So ha, screw it all its seems like all that really can be done now, is wallow in my own tears. And let the Nights rain, hit me as i cry to the moon, and what it means to me. because these tears, are mine.