• In my penchant for dreams lie a torrent
    A rushing swirl of morality that I cannot comprehend
    I don't know what's happening nor do I know where it originates

    A babble of nonsense and rapids between the realms of sanity
    Or perhaps it's insanity in its disguise
    Maybe it's both blended into something indiscernible

    There's a chance this is the norm within the minds of beings
    All this jumble of rules and thoughts and desires
    Perhaps I'm not such an enigma of this metamophosis after all

    Or maybe it's a farce; Something that is perceived to be ordinary
    But therein lies the complication
    For what in the minds of others or of mine is considered truly usual?

    The simplicity I yearn for comes and goes within the confines of my conscious
    Sometimes the complex can truly be considered simple with my eccentric brand of reasoning
    Or is it truly eccentric?
    Maybe everyone has the same train of thought and feeling

    I am making this too complex
    I'm going through the same everyone has
    It might be a little different, but it's still ordinary
    At least, in humans' case