• There are times we all dream of fantasy worlds we can escape to
    Where we can jump through
    Mythical portals, hidden wardrobes, platforms that only you can see
    This is the dream of all things
    This is the wish we all share
    This is the inevitable fate we bring our consciousness to create

    Reality is the age of time that chases after us
    The past, present and future that we are so desperately try to out run
    To shove under the rug, and cover with wild ideas of one day returning to the creatures and creations, reality shuns us from speaking as possible

    There are times we all dream of fantasy worlds we can escape to
    Where we can approach cautiously, or run up without thinking and embrace knowing all too well we will stay a child forever.

    To know end will we strive to create doors, mythical passages, mirrors, strange lights, and hidden doors to escape adult hood and the pains of society and work. Where to us the idea of slaying dragons, saving worlds from evil and destruction, Conjure magic, defy destiny and overall create a life that was meant to see beyond the heavens
    Glistening waters and never ending adventures
    From a dragons flight, to a knights swift sword, and even a galactic empire
    We all strive to defy destiny, to alter our future and dream beautiful dreams

    A dream that is the fantasy worlds of those willing to defy prearranged futures and jump through the threshold, and entrance others to follow the example of what we call the mind of a fantasy writer.