• my little ebony angel
    gone to fly and play
    i will always love you
    till my dying day

    i knew the moment i saw you
    that you were my little boy
    i remember when i fed you
    out of a little baby bottle
    you were so cute it hurt
    i remember the first steps
    you took on my cloud sheet
    and i remember the songs i sang
    to put you fast asleep
    your eyes so green were filled with
    curiosity and wonder
    the first time i left you alone you ended up
    sleeping in the folded blanket on my bed

    your black fur with the little white
    strands poking out in odd little places
    as you got older you became filled with
    mischief attacking passing by legs
    biting my mom on the nose
    giving us such a hassle but oh
    we loved you so

    with your little pink collar
    not quite the color for a man
    we traded it in for a pretty blue one
    but i guess the pink worked best for
    you cause when you came home oneday
    the blue one was gone
    to who knows where
    i remember the day you woke me up
    by playing with my hair

    i remember many times when i'd
    blow bubbles with you lying on my chest
    you'd look up at me and see
    the bubble growing
    then if the gum was pepermint flavor
    you'd get to your little black paws
    and try to take the gum from
    underneath my nose

    but now your gone my little
    ebony angel
    gone above to purr and play
    with mousies and kittens much like yourself
    to run through the grass
    and chase strings and balls of
    yarn to mess with the
    black birds that dare try to
    steal your color of fur

    so i bid you ado my Sassy cat
    and hope that you have fun in
    the skies above
    and know that sooner or later
    i'll be reuniteted with you
    my ebony angel
    my love shines for you