• As I sit there and watch the snow fall through out the night
    When I wake up the next morning the snow lies there undisturbed
    Before all the houses turn on there lights
    Before all the little kids come out and play
    Before it all melts away

    After that all happens the snow still lies there beautifully
    After every one is out and there’s monstrous hills and wide valleys
    The snow lies there beautifully and undisturbed

    The next morning the snow falls again with the snow drifts and valleys
    The snow lies there with no motion just totally still there on the ground
    With all the craves and holes in every alley
    Even when all the tired couldn’t go round and round
    The snow still lies there beautifully and undisturbed

    But when all hope is given up
    Our mom’s are making hot chocolate
    She gives us a cup

    The snow still lies there quietly and undisturbed
    To you no matter what happens to the snow you still think
    Wow theirs nothing in the world that could disturbed the snow
    Then you see a dark figure and you wink
    The figure sits there low
    He winks

    Then at that time you wish That this moment would never end
    You look down at your dish
    And the land
    Of the wish happens

    From there on the snow lies there beautifully
    The figure is standing there
    You don’t move from window
    Then you notice your wearing nice and cozy clothes to protect you from the cold