• I have a brand new fear
    This is you last school year
    This isn't fair
    It's so hard to bare
    Just because you're one year older
    It's making me feel colder
    I want to be with you on that bend
    The bend of your high school end
    I was like a lost child
    Wandering in the wild
    You found and saved me
    From being who I wasn't meant to be
    I've always known ever since I met you
    What to do when I'm blue
    But right now
    I don't know how
    This indestructible painful splinter
    I'm gonna lose my beautiful queen of winter
    You are so kind
    I wish you were mine
    You were never demanding
    But instead so understanding
    You being so smart
    Helped you partially open my heart
    I wish I had a chance
    To take you to a school dance
    But the idea is stupid
    Because I'm not like cupid
    I don't have powers from above
    To be able to make you fall in love
    But it's so simple that you don't need a clue
    To tell you how much I love you
    I wished I had a vial
    To make you not love Kyle
    But it wouldn't be right
    And also a horrible sight
    I wish you were in my hands
    But I have to watch you from the stands
    I wish I could, but I'm scared to give you a kiss
    Knowing you or Kyle might give me a hiss
    I messed up big and now I have to pay
    That's why high school is asking me to stay
    Goodbye master, no goodbye best friend
    Sorry, I guess this is it, time for it to end
    Till time calls and we meet again