• One lovely evening,
    i looked in the mirror,
    and i saw my face,
    thinking about love,
    and i thought about that twinkle,
    the one where love and poetry combine,
    and things dont have to sound the same,
    and i always ask.....

    Is it love that made might?
    Is it love that lights the night?
    Is it love that made Kings and Queens?
    Is it love that asked what it all means?
    Is it love that made Adam and Eve?

    And then i notice,
    love is more than affection,
    its just a certain connection,
    that binds the galaxies,
    and what made you and me,
    it is what made generations,
    its why there was kings and queens,
    its why there are babies,
    animals and humans alike.

    So, can we live without love?