• ~Finding My Answer to Why~

    I always wondered why
    life was so hard and why
    people treated each other
    like s**t. I always wondered
    why men treated me like an
    easy lay and expected me to
    do or behave like other women
    do. I always wondered why.

    Then when I find my answer I
    cant believe it 'cause it was so
    simple it was funny. My answer
    was 'Thats just life'. Isnt it ironic,
    I mean it was so simple it made me
    think and then laugh.

    So when ever something does or
    doesnt go the way you plan. Dont
    fret just say to yourself 'Thats just life'
    and go on with your life.

    ~Dont Judge Me~

    Everybody says they know me family, friends,
    co-workers, bosses, and complete strangers but
    they dont. Everybody says they know me 'cause
    of the way I act but they dont. Everybody says I am
    what say I am but they're wrong. Everybody thinks they
    know so well but they dont and they judge me from what
    they see, hear, or by the way I act.

    Let me set things straight Im the way I am
    'cause I was born that way and choose to
    be that way. And I say to everybody 'whatever
    you dont know me so dont judge me'. Dont judge
    me 'cause I try to do whats right and good. Dont judge
    me just 'cause I try to do something kind. Dont judge me
    just 'cause I try to live my life the way I should live it. Dont
    judge me just 'cause of my sex or intelligents. Dont judge
    me just 'cause you have inseruity. Dont judge me just 'cause
    you dont have what I have. Whatever it is keep it to yourself
    and leave me alone.

    So whatever the situation is just Dont judge me
    'cause in the long one you dont know s**t about me
    unless you actually take the time to get to know me.

    So Dont judge me!