• Faith -
    What is it?
    Can you tell me please?
    Is it how people cope
    With death and disease?
    Is it in
    Your religion?
    Is it in mine too?
    Do you have to be someone
    Or can I be me?
    Faith -
    What is it?
    Can you tell me please?
    Is it how I feel
    Or what we see?
    Is faith that thing
    That keeps us alive?
    Is faith that thing
    We all have inside?
    Faith -
    I know,
    I know what it is
    You can’t hold it
    Or touch it
    You can’t see it
    Or smell it
    Faith is that thing
    That helps you get through
    Faith is that thing
    People live for right now
    So I’ll tell you
    What faith is
    Faith is belief
    That all will be good
    Faith is
    That light
    You see when you’re through.