• Today I met a Sailor, who went out to the Sea,
    And with him came an army of two thousand and three.

    Though they were strong and they were true, they were also very bleak,
    And with a lack of surprise they were gone within a week.

    But the Sailor sailed on, through the night and through the day,
    For all his life, without his wife, and without any pay.

    But sadly on this trip he was unable to succeed,
    To get rid of all the ships for which he was to lead.
    So in his desperation, he went and got some mead.

    While he was below the deck he heard a ghastly wail,
    And when we found the source, it was a boy stuck in a pail!

    "Who are you?" asked the Sailor, "before I set you free?"
    "It's your son!" the boy cried out. "Don't you remember me?"