• MurderLand

    Alice, Alice
    Do you hear me whisper?
    Did you fill me with pain?
    I'm beginning to feel so hot,
    am I going Insane?

    Alice, Alice
    Yes, this is a land,
    but head my word!
    This is not where you stand.

    Alice, Alice
    For this is your name.
    You leaped in a hole,
    now you play my game.

    Alice, Alice
    Welcome to this place!
    Take my hand now,
    I will show you the way..
    although this hand stains blood,
    watch yourself peel away
    into this world with the stench of death
    and ground a dusty sand..
    so all I have left to say;

    Is WeLcOmE tO mUrDeRlAnD.

    Poem owned by Oblivious Sharada