• True friends are always there
    No matter where
    They stay by your side
    Whether it be low or high tide
    True friends never leave you
    And you never leave them too
    They never lie
    True friends always tell why
    They don’t just up and say
    Stay out of my way!
    True friends stick with each other
    Always together one day after another
    True friends stick together through good and bad
    Even if they get mad
    But you see
    If it were me
    I would not give another try
    Don’t bother to ask why
    I have been betrayed before
    I don’t need any more
    Old friends have caused fallen tears
    Because they have stirred up old fears
    So that is why I
    Would not give a second try
    But true friends stay true
    They would go through anything with you
    Simply said
    Don’t wish a true friend dead
    You might just lose them
    They are as precious as a gem
    And coming from me
    (This is a lot of experience you see)
    Losing a friend is not fun
    (This is no pun!)
    This has happened before
    I'm sick and tired of this I don’t want this any more!!!
    My friends are slowly leaving me
    Soon enough I will be completely alone you see
    Soon I won’t be having fun
    Soon my friends will be none
    My friends are the most important thing to me
    I would risk my life for them you see
    I can’t be happy until they are
    But still between us I keep a bar
    I'm afraid to let anyone pass
    In fear they might harass
    So I truly I am afraid to have a true friend you see
    But that doesn’t mean I cant you see
    My heart is hard to mend
    Because it is so easy to bend
    When I get mad
    I run
    When I get stressed
    My head just gets all messed
    When I'm sad
    (Some say for me it can be pretty bad)
    I bottle it up
    Until it overflows the cup
    I cannot take it
    So I just sit
    And cry
    It is impossible to keep up this shield
    When what is being thrown at me is bigger than a field
    So it my shield will fall
    And escape faster than a ball
    So the tears start flowing
    And they keep going
    They will not end
    My heart cannot further bend
    My soul and heart are tearing
    My mind is wearing
    I cannot take it
    My shield is falling in a bit....
    No one will see
    The true me
    Hiding like a child
    Out in the wild
    Afraid to have contact
    Afraid to act
    Afraid to be me
    Afraid to let others see
    To see me cry
    And forever say good bye
    To a friend I once knew
    Now our friendship is through
    As I say good bye
    I do not cry
    My heart has learned
    From being burned
    Never let someone get to know you
    Unless you know it will always be you two