• "Hate"
    Is such a dreadfully strong word.
    To use it in such excess is absurd.
    For a word carelessly applied
    Is no longer a word at all,
    As the places where it begins to lie,
    Over used,
    Causes the meaning to crumble and fall.

    And so, I do not hate, and hope that I never will,
    For I imagine a feeling so strong would probably make me ill.

    Is such a wonderfully powerful phrase.
    So why do you use it if you are nothing but crazed?
    For a word spoken in the miles,
    Should never be said at all,
    As in rarity brings romance and smiles,
    Over used,
    Causes the meaning to crumble and fall.

    And so, I do love, and save that word for those who I mean,
    For I imagine used in any other context would make me seem obscene.

    Is such a passionately endless being.
    You must realize it is eternity ahead you are seeing.
    Not a second, nor a year of days long,
    It never stops at all.
    But when evermore is a moment where it does not belong,
    Over used,
    Causes the meaning to crumble and fall.

    And so, I have not witnessed forever, nor do I expect anything else to see it pass.
    For I imagine if that was so it would come and go much too fast.

    So, take this kindly heed:
    Use your terms correctly, or they won't be there when you need.