• Candidly looking my gods in the eye
    I spoke of my predicament and general discourse
    After a pretty long dissertation on the state of elation
    They handed me a bowl of soup and called the next one in line
    I'm pretty sure it felt like ten minutes and was more like ten seconds.

    I stepped back into the cold, and upon realizing this
    I attempted an abject retreat back into the hall
    Apparently the doors were shut and would not even open
    for a well thought-out relief victim like me.
    Now, I'm quite positive the doors did open, and that I just hit the wall.

    No matter, I'll just continue on my merry way
    Traffic lights oddly mirror me and the various poses i make
    but for some reason I look angry when it is the cars in front of me that really are.
    A man in a pleasant blue shirt asked me to come with him.
    I think the doors said "Taxi," but I often confuse that with "Police."

    It was pretty cold and wet in there, and looking around
    Some jackass was hacking a chord on a harmonica.
    I asked him why, his reply "Ambiance." which to me
    seems like another carefully planned lie.
    It seems, contrary to my belief, that the world is really aganst me.

    Pretty soon (a couple of months?) I found myself on the ground again
    and my stomach rumbled quite the racket, dissonant, even
    I went to the temple where my gods stood,
    candidly looking them in the eye, I prayed to them my story
    But of one thing I am sure: They did hand me a bowl of soup.