• This is a story
    About one sad lonely gurl
    Never had fame or glory
    Had no place in the world

    Her parents didn't care
    She had no one at all
    Her smiles became rare
    And things started to fall

    Around her everyone was happy
    Smiling and true
    She thought this was sappy
    Because no one knew

    So she hid herself away
    Deep into depression
    Her mind started to decay
    And cutting was an obsession

    One night it was real late
    And she cut to deep
    She knew she had met her fate
    And drifted into sleep

    Her blood was pouring
    Onto all of it
    And in the morning
    Anything red fit

    She didn't regret
    What she had done
    This was destiny she met
    In the early morning sun

    Please remember this tale
    All of my friends
    Becuase if all else fails
    This could be your end