• Big lie
    By: Ryan Casey

    You try to remember the past
    But your living a big lie
    You don’t know your name or where you came from

    For so many year you try to remember the past
    But you can’t ever see it
    So you’ve been living a big lie

    Every this is a lie
    You lived so may years
    Not knowing anything about yourself
    But in times past you will remember everything
    Everything is a big lie

    I don’t know were or what I am
    I don’t ever know who my real parents are
    Im just living big lie

    People ask you were did you cane from
    But you can not answer
    People ask what is your heritage
    But can’t answer them

    Every this is a lie
    You lived so may years
    Not knowing anything about yourself
    But in times past you will remember everything
    Everything is a big lie