• Don't define me,
    Don't classify me,
    Don't ask me who I am!
    Don't tell others what I am,
    You aren't my creator,
    Only one who judges me!
    You don't know me,
    You only think you do,
    So why do you judge me!
    I am who I am,
    Not what you want me to be!
    So stop judging me!
    Stay the hell out of my life!
    Don't you understand
    I am nothing!
    I am everything!
    Just stay away,
    And get your own damn life!
    I'm the defective model!
    I'm what I want to be!
    Not what you seem to see!
    Just get away from me!
    I'll tell you who I am.
    I am darkness!
    I am the light!
    I'm evil!
    I'm a hero!
    I'm everything that you’d never understand!