• My soul once whole
    Now just a shattered mirror
    For I can see myself in the reflection
    But know it will never be complete

    There is nothing in me that is
    There is no solidity
    My mind puzzles thrown together
    But all missing a piece

    I am what confuses me

    Thought flash images onto my mind
    With no clear picture
    Clarity far beyond my hope
    In the twisted images

    Like a funhouse mirror
    My mind has been distorted
    What you see is what you get
    But what I see is not real

    The reasoning I have in things
    My perception of them
    But what is perceived in nothing
    Figments of my torment

    This world as my mind a cage
    No key to unlock
    For all parts broken
    And the key is lost

    So I stay in my torment
    For I find comfort
    In knowing I know nothing
    Mind lost at sea in this dark city...